I’m not sure I really have anything insightful to say about the election. Just a deep feeling of melancholy and sadness for what the election says about the country. My kids are still relatively young, but old enough to know what’s happening and understand what it says to live in a country where misogyny and racism is still alive and well. The sound bite of “it’s the economy, stupid” does not resonate with kids who are less than a decade away from being able to vote. They still want to believe we live in a country where morals and ethics matter. They are told these virtues matter every day in school, and yet now they have evidence that it may not be true. This election says loud and clear that it is okay to elect a criminal as long as it puts a few more dollars in their pocket. That’s where we are. I have to explain that to my kids somehow and frame it in a way that still gives them hope things will change.